Recover or Save Your Google Adwords Account from Suspended

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Recover or Save Your Google Adwords Account from Suspended

Now a day Google become very significant part of business we can say Google is partner of online business. But to get business from Google its trick a

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Now a day Google become very significant part of business we can say Google is partner of online business. But to get business from Google its trick and to understand this trick we need excellent skill in online marketing. Google is really very sticking as per policy compliance and have changed policy for each business. Mostly new comer didn’t know and do some mistake and then Google ban the user from adwords access and this action become problem of businessman or owner.

How to save your adwords campaign from suspended?

  1. Before start need to read about policy of Google regarding niche like policy for air ticketing, policy for tech support.
  2. You should have an idea which type of campaign will be most excellent for your business, like adwords call campaign perfect for air ticketing, Taxi company, Local Shop, spectrum etc.
  3. we need landing page and it should be very associated to ads because its help in ad ranking
  4. don’t use address that already ban
  5. don’t use credit card that already use in adwords
  6. Website hosting should be good because during campaign if Google found any attack on website, it can permanent block the account.
  7. Link your adwords with Google analytics
  8. Link your webmaster account with Google adwords
  9. If business is related to affiliate or authorized retailer then you need to provide updated information, like product original price and if you charge additional then declare in page. Also add in website that you are authorized retailer, if you have verified document then also share in website.
  10. Its good if you add, privacy policy, FAQ, Customer support,
  11. Note ticketing business need verification certificate from Google

Tips to Write Good Ad in Google Adwords?

  1. Select good but small number of keywords
  2. Landing page must have content related to keywords
  3. If you have more than 3 keyword then you need to create more than one ad copy and try to cover all keywords
  4. URL must be related target page
  5. Set budget and CPC remember if its new then starts with minimum budget because campaign need time to set position and ad ranking in google search.

If your Adwords account suspend then?

Mostly in this case we have only 10% chance to recover the account, there cab be many reason that can be cause of suspension of account. But if you have victim of this problem then

  1. understand the suspension reason, if you are not good then consult with expert, or you can take help from Google
  2. Once you came to know about the problem then solved the problem and you can again take help from expert or Google. (note there are fewer chance to get back your account but keep trying)
  3. You have chance to submit the appeal and request for reactive the account and I have did many time so it’s effective. You can submit appeal from following link

  1. keep in mind we need to provide original information to Google like if we need know the problem then accept about problem and inform them that you solved the problem and make sure that will not happened again.

Now I have small Trick that can help you..!

If the problem from payment: if Google fail to recover payment from account then add one more card in payment plan, new card always appeal adwords

(Note: if you used a credit/debit card for adword and you have no credit or debit with google adword then you can use this card again but in some other campaign. But if you are in same niche like adwords suspended you travel campaign and you created new website and use same card then your account suspended not because your card is blacklist in adwords because its help to adwords to indentify the pervious campaign then suspended due to some violation and as per adword policy you can’t create new adwords account(one identity one adword account).

Suspension du to hosting: some time due to poor hosting quality or mostly link down Google suspend the adwords account so before appeal you need to change the hosting and use quality dedicated hosting and then submit the appeal.

Suspicious activity? Mostly this issue come if you have adwords account is involved in any volition of policy. Many times I have seen after one account block user create new adwords account and Google found them and suspend the account, there can be many reason like, system mac, Same IP, copy website, or same card, same hosting etc.

If you received this message in start of campaign then there is chance of recovery like you have add billing information and set one campaign but before review you have seen suspended message the you can appeal for mistake. Most account recovers with 1st appeal.

If you have any further information or asked any question feel free to content me.